Medication adherence is difficult for 40% to 75% of seniors, who struggle to remember when to take which medication at the right time. Hero pill dispenser is programmed to automatically dispense the correct pills for your medication schedule at the touch of a button.
Hero medication dispenser is ideal for people who take prescription or OTC medications, such as vitamins and supplements. This automatic pill dispenser is also a good option for people who forget to take their medications or have arthritis or other conditions that make opening pill bottles difficult. In our guide to Automatic Pill Dispensers, the Hero pill dispenser is rated as the best mobile app.
Is your mother or any family members battling with any health-related problems? In that case, a locked pill dispenser, or even better, a tamper-proof pill dispenser, is a good option. Tamper-proof pill dispensers, on the other hand, are quite expensive.
If Yes, choosing a simple automatic hero health pill dispenser will help your life be more accessible.
What Is the Origin of HERO?
Kal Vepuri, is the founder of HERO, had personally experienced medication management difficulties when his mother became ‘core-red’ ill, as he describes it.
Kal quickly discovered that proper organization and management are essential for medication adherence after his mother missed taking her medicines. That’s when he founded the HERO company and invented this unique device.
How to Install Hero’s Automatic Pill Dispenser
The Hero automatic pill dispenser is a high-tech device that requires some set-up time. The instructions for use are detailed and easy to understand. The Hero Android or iOS app makes it simple to program the medication schedule. Hero automatic pill dispensers can hold up to a 30-day supply of multiple medications, depending on the size of the pills.
The Hero App:- Connect your Hero automatic pill dispenser to WiFi after plugging it in. Use the mobile App to schedule your dosage of medicines several times you require as prescribed. Identify each pill first, then select dispensing times. Finally, fill the Dispenser’s canisters with medications and supplements.
The Right Pills at the Right Time
This product performs several functions, which are critical to taking the proper medications at the right time.
It was designed to eliminate the pain of taking or sorting the pills into individual compartments based on when they need to be delivered. Instead, the robot’s internal mechanism picks up and dispenses particular drugs from its inner bulk pill containers, as specified by the entered medication schedule.
When it has been filled and programmed, it will.
Dispenses the corpills at the right time.
Notifies the Dispenser that it is time to take the pills
If something goes wrong, it notifies the filler/caregiver.
What are the Advantages of Using a Medication Dispenser Automatically?
Automatic dispensers can help your families to avoid the high cost of having to pay a caregiver to take care of their loved one’s medication needs, in addition to ensuring that correct dosages are taken at the right time. This is especially useful when family members live a long distance away and cannot visit daily or weekly.
Overall, hero automatic pill dispensers can help your loved one’s independence and allow them to stay in their home for a more extended period.
- Never run out of medicine again – Hero can automatically order more when he runs out.
- The Dispenser can hold up to 90 days' worth of medicine.
- Manages the scheduling of up to ten different medications and daily doses.
- Instead of cash, FSA or HSA funds can be used.
- Notifications keep everyone up to date on the "caregiver" role.
- Take advantage of Hero's 90-Day Trial.
- Pill dispenser for elderly can be quite helpful in taking medicines on time.
- To keep the product running, a monthly subscription is required.
- This product is not intended for people who have dementia.
- There is no backup power or battery power.
- It cannot work with gummies, liquids, or cut pills.
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The distinction of the Dispenser and Filler Roles
This, in our opinion, was the product’s major flaw, though it will only be relevant in situations where it is critical to prevent the Dispenser from adjusting the medications.
Separating the interfaces for the filler and Dispenser has two aspects. The first step is to configure the pill regimen, which involves telling the Hero system when to dispense pills and which pills should be stored inside. This can be done through the App, so if the Dispenser does not have access to the App, there is no risk of the Dispenser inadvertently adjusting the schedule.
The issue is with opening the pill containers and changing the pills in the system.
The Dispenser can access the system, select “Pill Management,” and then “Check Cartridge,” They can pull out a pill container and change the contents. This may not be a desirable situation if the Dispenser has cognition impairments.
The Hero has attempted to address this by allowing you to set a password that supposedly controls who can do what, ideally preventing the situation described above.
Who could benefit from a Hero pill dispenser?
Pill dispensers for the elderly who are taking medications or any other person having health issues could benefit from the speed with which a Hero pill dispenser works. Two different people are involved in one of the most common scenarios in which these products will be used. One is the person who consumes the medication and must interact with the machine when it is time for the medicines to be dispensed.
The “filler” is the person concerned with putting the proper medication into the system every week or month and sets up the “dispensing schedule” following whatever schedule has been prescribed by the Dispenser’s physicians.
This product is not a substitute for medical attention. It is not suitable for patients who have dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or other cognitive or physical impairments who may be unable to verify Hero’s medication identification accuracy. While Hero is a dependable dispensing system, it’s best to double-check that you’re taking the correct medications.
Watch A Video On How Hero Pill Dispenser Works
How to Fill?
The first step in this process is to select the medication that will be filled. Then you open a “door” in the system’s front and pull out a container that resembles a cup or drinking glass. You pour as many pills as you want from the bottle in which they came from the pharmacy into the system’s “container,” then replace the container in the machine (straightforward). The user interface then directs you to repeat each type of medication you want to enter into the system.
What is Capacity?
The product can accommodate up to ten different medications, and the containers are large enough to last a long time. This system can easily hold a month’s worth of pills for many medication regimens, implying that refills could be done once a month. A chart with “capacity” comparisons between this and competing products can be found at Automatic Pill Dispensers: Hands-on Evaluations.
“It’s Time to Refill”
When supplies are running low, the product alerts you. The company even provides a “refill” capability, in which they integrate with a pharmacy and send you medications based on need, all controlled through the App.
“Battery & Power Backup”
The system is meant to be plugged into an outlet. It lacks a battery backup, unlike the majority of its competitors, and the company recommends adding an uninterruptible power supply (like many people do for their computers). If your WiFi goes down during a power outage, your Internet connection (and thus caregiver alerts) will be lost.
Vacations, trips, and getting away from home
The product allows you to dispense medications “early.” If you are going out for several days, it is relatively simple to administer “multiple” future doses, but it is tedious because it dispenses each one individually.
A hero pill dispenser hack of taking medications “on the go” which means that the App will still remind you when to take the medication, even if you are not at home. In our opinion, this is just the proper functionality for the “out and about active older adult,” and we don’t believe any of the other products in this category deal with this situation nearly as well.
Is Hero worth buying?
However, other medication management systems, such as MedReady or Pria, require the user to manually take out pills and place them in separate compartments for each dose, which is time-consuming and introduces multiple opportunities for human error. Most pill organizers require this every two weeks for users who take medications twice a day, which is not uncommon.
Unlike MedReady and Pria, Hero requires you to dump the entire bottle (or as many pills as can fit) of medicine into the machine, and it will deliver the correct one at the right time.
The Design of Hero pill Dispenser
To begin with, the Hero Pill Dispenser is a reasonably compact design, measuring only 9 inches long by 9 inches wide by 15 inches tall (22.9 x 22.9 x 38.1 cm). The system weight is less than 10 lbs, so the entire unit is relatively light.
Moving to its appearance, this automatic pill dispenser has a very minimalist design, with a very sleek and aesthetically pleasing appearance, owing primarily to its discrete white and grey body. The entire unit is also made of very sturdy materials, so it’s safe to say that it’s built to last.
Because this intelligent medication management system is powered by electricity, it comes with an included Power Cable that is long enough to install the unit in almost any room of the house – whether you prefer to have it installed in your kitchen, bathroom, living room, or even your bedroom.
Making use of the Hero pill dispenser
Hero’s pill dispenser is the size and shape of a coffee maker, and it will easily fit on your kitchen counter. It can handle up to ten different medications and up to 90 days of medicine, dispensing up to ten times per day. The Hero can accommodate even the most complex medication regimen by offering dozens of scheduling options. Of course, storage capacity is limited by the size of the pills (and it cannot accept halved or quartered gummies, liquids, or tablets), but the overall scheduling flexibility is impressive.
Because the Hero pill dispenser cost is very reasonable, it is classified as a medical device by the FDA, it is subjected to the same stringent testing as defibrillators and CPAP machines.
Hero pill dispenser complaints
Hero is a new product on the market with few customer hero pill dispenser reviews. On the Hero website, the company publishes customer reviews with a 4.8 out of 5-star rating. The device also receives consistently positive feedback from bloggers and websites such as Highya, the Lung Institute, and Autism Dad. The Better Business Bureau gives Hero an A+ rating.
What is Hero’s refund policy?
Within the first 30 days, you can return Hero for any reason and receive a refund. There is no shipping charge, but the unit must be returned in its original packaging. If you decide to cancel Hero after the 30-day trial period but before the initial 12-month membership period expires, the company will charge your credit card for the remaining monthly payments for the first year.
You can cancel at any time after the first year, but you must return the Hero pill dispenser within 30 days of your last month of membership to avoid a $300 fee.
What is the Hero Full service, and how does it work?
The Hero can order your prescription refills, over-the-counter medications, and supplements through this optional service. Transfer your prescriptions using the mobile App, and Hero’s agent can reorder or request new drugs from your doctor.
Is there a warranty for the Hero automatic pill dispenser?
The Hero will replace the device if it has a manufacturing or material defect. If the pill dispenser fails during everyday use, the company will repair or replace it at any time during your membership. The Super Hero plan includes coverage for damage caused by regular use.
Can I use an HSA or FSA credit card to pay for the Hero automatic pill dispenser?
Yes, you can use your Health Savings Account or Flexible Savings Account to purchase Hero.
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