PensionsWeek Team

By PensionsWeek Team

Rosemary Bointon

Reviewed by Rosemary Bointon

Are Walk-In Tubs worth the money? Find here the cost, pros & cons that may help you decide whether walk-in tubs are a good investment or not.

As we start ageing, we face difficulties in performing simple daily activities like walking, sleeping, bathing, and even eating food. The situation becomes risky when it comes to bathing, as many ageing seniors tend to lose balance while bathing.

Traditional bathtubs make it even riskier for the seniors as they might fall while getting in or out of the bathtub. As per a CDC survey conducted by the US Government, these mishaps are very dangerous as they might crack their hip bones, back, or necks.

Are Walk In tubs worth the money

Owing to this situation, walk-in bathtubs are the best solution to this problem. These walk-in bathtubs for seniors have doors that enable ageing adults to easily get in and out of the bathtub. 

All across the USA and in many other countries, these walk-in bathtubs have been installed at retirement communities and elderly living centers. If you are worried about bathroom safety for the seniors at your place or yourself, walk-in bathtubs are worth the money and a great solution.

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Confused about whether or not to add a walk-in bathtub to your house?

It is very important to prioritize safety if you have a senior residing with you. Choosing the best bathtubs is what we all do, but keeping in mind, comfort, safety and convenience are equally important. Walk-in bathtubs for seniors are a great choice.

If you are confused about whether to invest in it or not, then go through these quick pros and cons.


  • Bathing becomes super easy with walk-in bathtubs for aging adults and people with mobility issues.
  • These bathtubs are designed in a way that prevents slipping. They have doors, seats, handrails, and textured pads to give maximum support while bathing.
  • There is no need for a sliding shower door in walk-in bathtubs.
  • These walk-in bathtubs might add value to your homes, especially if you are situated in a retirement community or seniors living society.


  • This walk-in bathtub is expensive compared to a traditional bathtub, but again the advantages are more as well.
A Old Lady Steeping Out Of Walk In Tub
Lowest step thresholds makes stepping out of the walkin tub easier for seniors.

Image Credit: Ella’s Bubbles

Are Walk-in Bathtubs Worth The Money?

The walk-in bathtubs are designed in a way that offers comfort, safety, and peace of mind while bathing. The walk-in bathtub’s price ranges between $4000 – $8500, are expensive in comparison to the other bathtubs, but again, the other bathtubs cannot provide the safety facilities and convenience factor which a walk-in bathtub does.

 An aging senior would easily be able to get in the bathtub, bath comfortably, and get out of it independently without the support of others. This independence is essential for old people as this boosts their confidence and gives them hope that they can still take care of themselves. Considering this, we feel that the walk-in bathtub’s cost is justified.

Read on to know more about how walk-in bathtubs for seniors are a good investment.

1. Walk-In Bathtub Increases Safety

A lot of modifications are done to ensure the safety of senior adults. These modifications are done to prevent falls due to imbalance or no support. As per the survey of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of the senior adults above the age of 65 fall down, out of which more than 80% of the falls take place in the bathrooms. 

But, that is not the case with the walk-in bathtubs, as they are designed to provide complete safety and reduce the risk of falls.

All the walk-in bathtub models are ADA compliant and have built-in handrails, contoured seating, anti-slip flooring, and convenient entry and exit with low step height.

Few of the upgraded models come with wide doors, which can easily facilitate the transfer of a wheelchair without assistance. Some tubs come with a scald prevention valve that prevents hot water burns. All these features together completely negate the risk of falling in the bathroom, making it safe.

2. Walk-in Bathtub Maximizes Comfort Benefits

There are innumerable comfort features available in a walk-in bathtub, along with safety features. You can experience therapeutic bathing with walk-in bathtubs for seniors. A few of the comforting attributes in these walk-in bathtubs are as follows:

  • Heated backrest for relaxation
  • Whirlpool jets to relax the muscle joints
  • Fast draining feature to avoid long waiting periods
  • Hand showers to access all the body parts easily
  • Extra-wide seat for comfortable seating

All of these features are not available in a traditional bathtub. The bathing experience in a walk-in bathtub will leave you rejuvenated, invigorated, and refreshed. This is exactly what is needed for an aging adult.

3. Walk-in Bathtub Luxurious Benefits

All this while we have been talking about the safety element in a walk-in bathtub. But it does not mean that the walk-in bathtubs provide only safety and no luxury. These bathtubs are capable of giving spa-like experiences to the bathers. Check out the luxury attributes in a walk-in bathtub.

  • The seat of the walk-in bathtub is heated, which provides adequate calmness to the tensed body muscles. This would keep you and the water warm for the entire bathing time.
  • The walk-in bathtubs generate warm air bubbles relaxing the entire body and stimulating the senses, providing an effervescent experience.
  • There are whirlpool jets in the walk-in bathtubs, which enable soft, gentle, and soothing hydro-massage for the lower back and behind the knees.

This is a luxury that you can afford every day with walk-in bathtubs.

4. Walk-In Bathtubs Have Great Water Depth

In comparison with the traditional tubs, the water depth is deep in walk-in bathtubs, and there is no wall to step over as well. Generally, a standard bathtub has 13 to 14 inches of depth, while in a walk-in bathtub, the depth is up to 4 feet. This depth ensures complete immersion when you are seated.

In a normal bathtub, the seats are placed at a lower height, while in walk-in bathtubs, they are placed at 17 inches allowing a depth of 20 inches to immerse the torso.

5. Walk-in Bathtubs Help You Age in Place

Age is something that completely slows down the person and their regular movements. The chances of getting injured, bruised, or muscle sprains are common during aging. These discomforts would not allow maximum movements or would restrict many chores.

It is during these times that you feel the need to stay at home without wanting to get out of the house and live every day doing all the daily chores smoothly. 

Walk-in bathtubs play an important role in helping you age in place. Hydrotherapy is the best feature in a walk-in bathtub which can help in recovering from arthritis, ulcers, burns, injuries, or amputations as well, without needing to get out of the house. The comfort and the relaxation provided by the walk-in bathtubs for seniors would make your day better.

6. Walk-in Bathtubs For People With Limited Mobility

It becomes very difficult to lead a normal life with limited mobility. It is tiresome and painful as well. A walk-in bathtub would make everyday life a little better.

The walk-in bathtubs have a provision for hydrotherapy, where people suffering from back pains, joint pains, or arthritis can benefit from it. Hydrotherapy would relieve the tension from the muscles and relax them. Having these bathtubs would make people with limited mobility independent again. 

They won’t require any support from the others. As these bathtubs are equipped with whirlpools, jets, and hand showers, as mentioned earlier in the article, it helps you in performing routine activities with ease and comfort. You need not be dependent on anyone to have a bath with a walk-in bathtub.

A lady sitting on a walk in tub
A lady sitting on a walk in tub

Image Credit: Ella’s Bubbles

Are Walk-in Bathtubs Good Investments? 

Well, we have come to a conclusion that walk-in bathtubs for seniors are definitely worth it and indeed a good investment. By having a traditional bathtub, you would end up purchasing multiple attachments like non-slip flooring, over-tub seat, anti-scald valves, add-on handrails, etc., to make it easy for senior living.

But, you would get all of these along with a few more features in a walk-in bathtub under 1 package. Wouldn’t that be more beneficial than spending individually on various products?

There won’t be any need for bathroom remodeling or renovation to accommodate so many modifications. Instead, you can simply buy a walk-in bathtub that would serve all the purposes.

So, if you are a senior, or if you have senior aging at your place, go for a walk-in bathtub and make life easier.

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