Does Medicare Cover Upright Walkers?

Are Upright walkers covered by medicare? Find out an answer to this question in our article here!

Does Medicare Cover Upright walkers


Upright walkers are a good option for people who need help getting around but don’t want to use a wheelchair. They’re a great tool for anyone who wants to walk with more balance or stability and are especially useful for the elderly. When you require something for your health and balance problems, such as upright walkers, you must determine whether Medicare will assist you in covering the expense.

 So here in this article, we answer the most asked question “Does Medicare cover upright walkers?” Find out here

What Is An Upright Walker?

An upright walker is medical equipment that aids balance and stability to the users while walking. It consists of 3-4 legs which help in maintaining balance. 

The difference between an upright walker and a rollator walker with seats is that a regular walker requires you to lean forward, which can cause back and joint problems. Upright walkers, on the other hand, assist users in standing more upright and therefore improving their posture. There are two popular types of Upright Walkers on the market: the original Up Walker and the walker lite, designed for those with disabilities.

How Much Does An Upright Walker Cost?

The average cost of the original Upright Walker is between $545 to $645. The cost will vary depending on the features and the retailer selling it.

Is the Upright Walker Covered by Medicare?

Upwalkers are classified as durable medical equipment (DME) by Medicare, however, it is not covered. The supplier of Upwalkers does not take Medicare, and any updated version of Upwalker is reimbursed through other medicare benefit programs.

It is dependent on the situation. While Medicare covers walkers, the UPWalker is a cash-pay device, so you’ll need to check with your Medicare provider to see if you’re eligible for reimbursement before buying it.

That said, the UPWalker is an excellent device worth the extra money for the vast majority of individuals. It’s built to last and with a level of quality not commonly found in other walkers, giving you a lot of flexibility and independence.

It’s made for user convenience and may be changed in a variety of ways. It’s made for everyday usage, is easy to operate on various surfaces, and fits through standard doorways. 

Eligibility Requirements for a Walker Paid for by Medicare

For Medicare to cover the cost of a walker, you must meet three basic qualifying requirements:

  1. The use of a walker must be considered medically necessary. According to your healthcare practitioner, a walker must be medically essential to address an illness, condition, accident, or disease.

  1. A doctor must prescribe the walker. A doctor must prescribe your walker for Medicare to cover it.

  1. Both the doctor and the supplier must be Medicare-approved. For the walker to be covered, both the doctor and the walker provider must accept Medicare. 

How much does a walker cost with Medicare?

In most cases, no. Even if medicare covers the walker, you’ll probably have to pay some out-of-pocket costs.

For example, before Medicare can cover the walker, you must first meet your annual deductible, usually around $185. After the deductible has been completed, you will generally be responsible for 20% of the Medicare-approved cost of the walker.

Although Medicare may cover walkers, you may still be responsible for a portion of the cost:

1) You must pay a monthly fee for Medicare Part B, which covers walkers, wheelchairs, adjustable beds, and some other assistance equipment, such as lift chairs, under medical insurance.

2) The typical Part B premium is $148.50 per month beginning in 2021, although higher-income consumers may pay more.

3) After that, you’ll have to pay the yearly Part B deductible ($203 in 2021) before Medicare can reimburse the walker.

After you’ve satisfied your yearly deductible, you’ll have to pay the remaining 20%. The remaining 80% will be covered by Medicare.

What are the alternatives to Get an Upright walker?

Many commercial insurance plans in the United States may cover the Upright walker. You need to contact your insurance provider before purchasing. You can also rent an upright walker by paying installments monthly or weekly. There are also many cheap, affordable, and best upright walkers such as Elenker Upright Walker that will cost you about $200.

If you like this article, please leave a comment with your thoughts and suggestions, and if you purchased an upright walker with Medicare, please tell us about your experience.

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